Ptosis Of Breast- A Conceptual Study
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An atricle which give knowledge about stanalambana.

How to Cite

Dr Prachiti Ram Patil, & Dr. Mangesh Laxman Patil. (2021). Ptosis Of Breast- A Conceptual Study. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 9(04). Retrieved from


Breast or Stana in ayurveda are the symbol of feminity and beauty of woman, Breast with appropriate shape and size are most important in woman’s body with which she can look attractive. Ptosis of Breast is also called as Breast sagging, a condition which can cause considerable physical and emotional suffering including self low esteem, fears of sexual embarrassment. In Ayurveda it can be correlated with Stanalambana. It is not itself a disease, but can cause difficulty in sports and exercise, limited clothing option and low confidence.  So there is a need to collaborate all the information in modern literature as well as ayurveda to understand the problem. This article is step to understand about Stanalambana (PTOSIS OF BREAST) and its management.

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