Study of Kushthaghna Dravya On The Basis Of Rasadi Properties From Bhavaprakash Nighantu: A Literal Review
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Bhavprakash Nighantu, Rasapanchak, Kushthaghna

How to Cite

Uma Thatte, & Dr Sambhaji Tike. (2022). Study of Kushthaghna Dravya On The Basis Of Rasadi Properties From Bhavaprakash Nighantu: A Literal Review. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 10(01). Retrieved from


All the skin diseases in Ayurveda have been described under the umbrella term of “Kushtha’’. Kushtha is considered as a one of the Ashtamahagada1 (group of diseases which are difficult to treat). Kushta is a chronic disease that has substantial psychological as well as social impact on a patient’s life. Hence each and every Kushtha should be treated successfully. Only symptomatic relief is achieved with the modern allopathy medication which is not satisfactory. Therefore, by screening Kushthaghna dravyas from Bhavpraksh Nighantu can give the effective solutions for Kushtha Chikista. Literal review of Rasadi properties of Kushthaghna dravyas from Bhavprakash Nighantu concludes that there are about 84 herbal dravyas. Critical analysis of Rasadi properties states that, the line of treatment should include Katu , Tikta, Kashay Rasa; Ushna Veerya ; Laghu, Ruksha , Tikshna Gunas mainly.


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