Relationship between Agni and Pitta-A critical review
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Vaibhav Ugale. (2022). Relationship between Agni and Pitta-A critical review. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 10(01). Retrieved from


Ayurveda has described a crucial factor of digestion and metabolism in our body as Agni. Agni is liable for strength, health, longevity and vital breath. The term “Agni” is employed within the sense of digestion of food and metabolic products. Agni has been divided into 13 types, i.e., one Jatharagni, five Bhutagni and seven Dhatvagni. About the importance of agni, Aacharya Charaka says that, When the Agni of a person is sama, then that person would be absolutely healthy and would lead an extended, healthy life. But, if the Agni of an individual is vitiated, the entire metabolism in his body would be disturbed.
There are 3 types of doshas – vata, pitta and kapha. Pitta has divided into 5 types, i.e., Pachaka, Ranjaka, Sadhaka, Aalochaka and Bhrajaka. When pitta is in balance within a person, consistent with their prakruti, their blood is going to be healthy and therefore the acid secretions in their intestines and stomach optimal for digestion. Judgment, and discernment are functions of balanced pitta. Our ability to obviously perceive what the body senses is governed by pitta. The body’s capability to take care of warmth and capability to mentally digest our studies and feelings are governed by Pitta Dosha.

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