Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science https://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog <p><em><strong>Ayurlog: National Journal Of Research in Ayurved Science (NJ-RAS)</strong>&nbsp;is a peer-reviewed, open-access electronic journal published by ARCH: Ayurved Research Copying House, Chembur, Mumbai. The Journal provides a forum for research workers in the Ayurved field on current issues and challenges of society regarding their health awareness and diseased conditions. The aim of the Journal is to publish research articles on Ayurved. The mission of the Journal is to publish advanced theoretical and empirical research in Ayurved with the noticeable contribution and impact to the development of this discipline and preferably with practice relevancies.</em></p> Mudita Publication en-US Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science 2320-7329 <p>I &nbsp;declare (on behalf of me and my co-authors) that the submitted manuscript titled has not previously been published and is not currently being considered elsewhere for publication in another journal and that I am (we are) the sole owner(s) of the manuscript thereof and of all rights, title, and interest therein. All agreed to the terms and conditions, Privacy Policy, which is declared on Journal Website <a title="Copyright form" href="http://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/copyright_form">http://www.ayurlog.com</a> and online filled (uploaded) form</p> <div id="F9A4C532_07ED_9B88_BB3A_04D477145800">&nbsp;</div> <div id="F9A4C532_07ED_9B88_BB3A_04D477145800">&nbsp;</div> <div id="F9A4C532_07ED_9B88_BB3A_04D477145800">&nbsp;</div> <div id="F9A4C532_07ED_9B88_BB3A_04D477145800">&nbsp;</div> Literature review of ayurvedic concept of basti karma w. s. r. to enema therapy. https://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/1232 <p>Most significant <em>Panchakarma</em> therapy process is called <em>Basti.</em> Basti is the most significant <em>Samshodhana</em> technique out of all of them. <em>Basti </em>is equally significant in <em>Panchakarma</em> treatment. As the <em>Panchakarma</em> treatment itself takes pleasure in <em>Chikitsa </em>in general. Classic literature places a strong emphasis on the importance of this type of care and highlights the wide range of its suitability. However, the origin of the word <em>Basti</em> lies on the reality that&nbsp;the Basti Yantra or the instrument that administers the medication materials consist of animal bladders or <em>Basti.</em> Consequently, as Sushruta and others have also mentioned,all those&nbsp;medications or medications that are inserted via the rectum with assistance belong to the group known as <em>Basti.</em></p> Rucha Joshi Copyright (c) 2024 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-10-12 2024-10-12 12 4 REVIEW OF PARAD ASHTA-SANSKAR https://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/1240 <p>Rasashastra is a branch of ayurveda that includes manufacturing of medicinal Preparation which contains Herbs, Metal and Herbo-Metallic preparation with dosage, indications, contraindication with possible adverse effects if medicines were not used or correctly prepared as per classics. In characteristic medicines contains basic three classes 1. <em>Audhbhij</em> (Plant origin) 2. <em>Jangam</em> (Animal origin) 3. <em>Parthiv</em> (Metal origin). Plant origin items were broadly utilized in all branches of Ayurveda compare to Metal and minerals. India have substantially more metal, for example, – Arsenic, lead, zinc, copper and so forth, which are utilized for treatment for different illnesses, Parada is one of them. Sanskara literally means a procedure by use of which there is enhancement in properties. Sanskara is the qualitative alteration done for improvement, enrichment, modification, lowering the bad effects. Parada due to its mystical importance in Ayurveda and Rasa shastra is briefly used for two purposes; <em>Deha-vaad</em> (Body rejuvenation) and <em>Dhatu-vaad</em> (Occult, Alchemical and Spiritual upliftment). To completely attain all the purposes, Ayurveda texts inform about <em>Ashthadasha-Sanskar</em> (Eighteen processes) required to purify mercury. Of these, only the first eight are recommended for <em>Dehavaad </em>(medicinal purposes) while the next ten steps are used only for purifying mercury in such a way that it can transform Lower metals into higher metals like gold (<em>Loh-vaad</em>). All Rasashastra texts contains different material and method for <em>Ashta-sanskar</em> So, in this current article we attempted to do the Review of <em>Ashta-sanskar</em> of Parad.</p> Sneha Ravindra Chadiwal Sneha Chadiwal Pargunde Sheela Dinesh Copyright (c) 2024 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-10-12 2024-10-12 12 4 A review of Nisha-Loham Churna in Pandu https://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/1230 <p>Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is the most prevalent nutritional problem in the world today. Young children and women of reproductive age group especially pregnant and lactating women are at greatest risk. In Ayurveda <em>Pandu </em>is <em>Pittapradhan tridoshaj vyadhi</em> in which <em>Rasa </em>and <em>Rakta </em>are mainly affected. Ayurveda is science of life and well-being. Ayurvedic plants are traditionally use for disease treatment. The Nisha-Loham churna preparation contains <em>Haridra, Daruharidra, Haritaki, Bibhitaki, Amlaki, Kutaki and Lohabhasm </em>are well known for their <em>Rasayana, Deepana, Pachana, Raktavardhaka </em>properties and effective action in <em>Panduroga </em>increasing Haemoglobin.</p> Ishwar Narkhede Sandip Aute Antapurkar Shital Prakash Copyright (c) 2024 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-10-12 2024-10-12 12 4 An Ayurvedic Perspective of Kukkuta Mamsa Sevana Vidhi - A Literature Study. https://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/1224 <p><strong>Aims</strong>: To Compare today’s mode of chicken meat consumption with respect to the ways mentioned in <em>Ayurved</em>.<strong>Objectives</strong>: 1. To find ways of chicken meat preparations explained in <em>Ayurvedic</em> texts (<em>Brihattrayee</em>, <em>BhavprakashNighantu</em>).2. To compare ways of Chicken meat preparation &amp; consumption in today’s era with those mentioned in <em>Ayurvedic</em> texts. <strong>Observation</strong>: Methods of meat cooking mentioned in <em>Ayurvedic</em> texts are <em>ShuddhaMamsa</em>, <em>Sahrudrak</em>, <em>Takramamsa</em>, <em>Harisaa</em>, <em>Talitamamsa</em>, <em>Shulyapalam</em>, <em>mamsashrungatakam</em>&amp;<em>Surava</em>. In the present era Chicken dishes are prepared with use of spices, marinating with yoghurt, using curd, salt &amp; water, Curry preparation includes cashews, yoghurt, milk, cream, poppy seeds, pan cooking, roasting, grilling, shallow frying, deep frying etc.<strong>Conclusion</strong>: Present ways of method of chicken meat preparation affecting health are processing chicken with curd, combining buttermilk &amp; curd, combining milk &amp; ghee, use of oil instead of ghee, using sweet, cold beverages &amp; use of milk as beverages with it. <strong>MainFinding</strong>: Ways of preparation of chicken meat impacts its nutritional values greatly.<strong>PrincipalConclusion</strong>: Avoiding wrong process &amp; improvising preparation of chicken meat as per Ayurvedic texts will not only enhance the taste but will also provide nutritious processed food which will strengthen the body without vitiating Doshas.&nbsp;</p> Ketaki Chetan Kamat Copyright (c) 2024 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-10-12 2024-10-12 12 4 The Significance of nidra veg in Ayurveda: Understanding Its Role in trayopasthambha https://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/1242 <p>In Ayurveda, the concept of trayopasthambha refers to three essential pillars of health: ahara (nutrition), nidr? (sleep), and brahmacharya (self-restraint). Among these, nidra—or sleep—holds a special place, particularly when we consider nidra veg, which is our natural impulse to sleep. This article explores the vital role of nidra veg in promoting overall health, highlighting how it contributes to rejuvenation, balance among the doshas, mental clarity, and emotional stability. By recognizing the importance of nidra within the framework of trayopasthambha, we can see how it helps in preventing disease, supporting digestion, and enhancing our overall sense of well-being. Acknowledging nidra veg as a fundamental aspect of Ayurvedic philosophy reminds us to honor our body's natural urges for optimal health and vitality.</p> Vijay Ingle Sanjay M. Satpute Omkar Tukaram Khandekar Copyright (c) 2024 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-10-12 2024-10-12 12 4 Concept of Dhoopan Karma As Preventive & Curative Aspects In Diseases: A Review https://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/1235 <p>Introduction: The key to man’s health lies largely in the environment. Air, water, and soil are<br />important physical components of the environment. Billions of micro-organisms exist in the environment in its ecosystem, certain kind of imbalance in good and bad microbial load of air, water and land causes various diseases. Disinfection of air, water, land is a serious concern of the present time, which has been already mentioned in our Ayurvedic classics’ In Janpadodhvansa Adhyaya [Epidemics] indication of Dhoopan Karma is mentioned by Acharya Sushrut. Dhoopan is very effective in preventive as well as curative aspects in various diseases (Epidemics). Dhoopan Karma is an integral part of Rakshoghna Karma which protects against microorganisms. In Kashyap Samhita, Dhoopan Karma is mentioned in Graharoga chikitsa and for maintaining hygiene in Sutikagara. Acharya Charak has also indicated Dhoopan Karma in many diseases, like Agantuja jwar, etc. Aim &amp; Objective: To review the role of Dhoopan Karma in the present era. Material &amp; Methods: Ayurvedic Samhita’s, journals, Ayurveda classical texts. Conclusion: In this review, it can be concluded that Dhoopan Karma is effective as preventive and curative in various diseases (Epidemics) in present era as traditional shield. Key words: Dhoopan, Rakshoghna Karma, Sterilization, Ayurveda ,Graharoga,Agantuja Jwar, Janpadodhavansa, epidemics.</p> Ashwini Kailash Lothe Ashwini Kailash Lothe Copyright (c) 2024 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-10-12 2024-10-12 12 4 A critical literary review of Pandu https://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/1229 <p>Anemia is a very common disease encountered in the present population with more or less severity having a large share among non-communicable diseases. Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is most widespread condition in developing countries, with the prevalence of this disease may be as high as 67.1%(6-59 months) in pre-school and 52.2% in pregnant women. A wide description of <em>Panduroga</em> is available in Ayurveda and a wide range of drugs along with a detailed dietary regime is described in this system of medicine. Here in this paper, <em>Panduroga </em>is reviewed in detail according to Ayurvedic view.</p> Ishwar Narkhede Antapurkar Shital Prakash Copyright (c) 2024 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-10-12 2024-10-12 12 4 Pharmacognostic study of Procris repens https://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/1223 <p><strong>Objective: </strong>To study the microscopy, powder microscopy and macroscopy of a medicinal plant of significant interest, Procris repens (Lour.) B.J. Conn and Hadiah.<strong>Methods: </strong>Various pharmacognostic parameters involved in organoleptic, microscopic and powder microscopic evaluation were carried out.<strong> Results: </strong>microscopy of the leaf shows uniseriate upper and lower epidermis covered with cuticle. Mesophyll layer cannot distinguished to palisade and spongy parenchyma. Chlorophyll is found in this region. Cystoliths and rosette crystals of calcium oxalate are present in leaf lamina. Anisocytic stomata and unicellular trichomes are present. Transverse section of <em>Procris repens</em> (stem) shows outer unicellular epidermis covered with cuticle. Epidermis is followed by 2-3 layered collenchymatous hypodermis. Hypodermal cells contain rosette crystals of calcium oxalate. Transverse section of <em>Procris repens</em> (Root) shows outer cork region. Cork is followed by cortex which is made up of parenchymatous cells. Rosette crystals of calcium oxalate are present in this region. Powder microscopy shows crystals of calcium oxalate, large number of round to elongated simple starch grains, a fragment of mesophyll cells and stomata. Fragments of vascular elements which shows spiral vessels, bordered pitted vessels and annular vessels are seen. Golden yellow coloured contents, fragments of epidermal cells with unicellular trichome and non-lignified fiber with narrow lumen are also present.<strong>Conclusion:</strong> The present study provides some valuable information with respect to its identification and authentication of <em>Procris repens</em>.</p> SARANYA S MOHAN Copyright (c) 2024 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-10-12 2024-10-12 12 4 Pharmacognostical Investigation on Lepidagathis keralensis https://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/1222 <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p><strong>Objective:</strong>&nbsp;To study the Macroscopy and Microscopy of &nbsp;plant <em>Lepidagathis keralensis . </em><strong>Methods</strong>: It was elucidated the Morphological specific characteristics for leaves, stem and root. Anatomical and Powder Microscopical characters of the plant were carried out. <strong>Results</strong>: Macroscopical characters showed that &nbsp;leaves was observed as Lanceolate, small in size,dark green in colour. Stem was observed as quadrangular, purple in colour. The root was observed as fibrous and brown in colour. Leaf Microscopy showed the presence of uniseriate upper and lower epidermis covered with cuticle. The lamina region is composed of mesophyll cells which is not distinguished to palisade and spongy parenchyma. Unicellular trichomes are present in the upper and lower epidermis. Stem microscopy showed the presence of multilayered parenchymatous cortex. A band of lignified fibers and stone cells can be found in the cortex region. Cortex is followed by phloem, which is composed of phloem elements. Xylem region is wide and consists of lignified xylem vessels, xylem fibers and xylem parenchyma. Root microscopy showed the presence of outer cork region. Cork is followed by&nbsp;multilayered cortex. Lignified stone cells are present in the cortical region. Phloem is narrow made&nbsp;up of phloem elements. Xylem is wide region made up of lignified xylem elements like xylem&nbsp;vessels and xylem fibers.Powder Microscopy of plant &nbsp;<em>Lepidagathis keralensis</em>&nbsp;shows bordered pitted vessels, fragment of parenchyma cells and crystals of calcium oxalate and &nbsp;large number of elongated sclereids, a fragment of mesophyll cells and spiral vessels are seen. <strong>Conclusion :</strong>&nbsp;The present study provide the scientific data for the proper identification and authentication of <em>Lepidagathis keralensis.</em></p> sarika pv Copyright (c) 2024 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-10-12 2024-10-12 12 4 A A Clinical trial to study the effect of Ramraksha stotra Mantra as Daivavyapashray Chikitsa in the management of Chittodvega –A pilot study. https://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/1234 <p>One of the defination of research is the logical rethinking to revalidate the old facts. Knowledge refers to the acquisition of information and facts, on the other hand, Wisdom involves the application of knowledge along with experience, insights and good judgement which later develops Shradhha ie Faith. In India, since Vaidik times, we practice different Mantra’s for different purpose. Being a divine science, Ayurveda has explained Mantra chikitsa on Manas roga under Daivavyapashray chikitsa. Mantra’s are the high energy sounds which is the effective treatment of Karmaja Manas vyadhi with its Prabhavjanya Karma (Action) providing Mental stability. Every Mantra are having a specific action (Falshruti). Chittodvega is one of the type of Manas Roga in which person has anxious state of mind with fear and worries. Ayurveda has explained Satvavajay chikitsa and Daivavyapashraya chikitsa in Manas Roga. In India, Lord Rama is worshiped since ancient times as he is the ideal example of Achar Rasayan (Code of Conduct) mentioned in Satvavajay chikitsa. (Also called as Purushottam). So, Ramraksha Stotra Mantra which is the combination of both Daivavyapashraya chikitsa and Satvavajay chikitsa can definitely fulfil the definition of Swastha mentioned in Ayurveda ie happiness of body, mind and spirit.</p> Yashashri Arun Vitonde Yashashri Arun Vitonde Copyright (c) 2024 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-10-12 2024-10-12 12 4 Management of delayed milestone’s patient with Ayurveda - A case report https://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/1251 <p>Children, who are opposite to adults are characterized by a continuous process of physical growth and neuromotor development. Milestones are the predicted points for when a child reaches a significant stage in their development such as walking or talking. A delayed milestone is when a child has not reached a significant stage at the predicted age. In the world, about 6.6% of children suffer from developmental delay while 15- 20% of children suffer from cerebral palsy. A 2-year-old male patient with gross developmental delay with seizure disorder, EEG showing Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) received <em>Ayurvedic</em> treatment for about 6 months. At the end of 3 months, the patient showed very encouraging results. The patient was treated with <em>Shaman Chikitsa, Shirodhara, Nasya, Basti, Marmapidan, Viddhakarma</em><strong>. </strong>Aim of the of Study was to treat the patient and bring him back to normal growth and development. In this single case study, the patient was thoroughly examined clinically his gross motor, fine motor, language, and personal and social developmental milestones were noted before treatment. Patient’s improvements were assessed on Trivandrum Developmental Screening Test (TDST)after 6 months <em>Ayurvedic</em> treatment. As a result, the patient achieved many milestones during treatment.&nbsp;</p> Mrunal Mehare Nikam Archana Muratkar Sameer Copyright (c) 2024 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-12-03 2024-12-03 12 4 To evaluate the effect on Katighraha by Shodhana & Shaman Chikitsa – A Single Case Study. https://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/1241 <p><em>Katigraha </em>is the commonest encountered disease. It is the condition which is characterized by stiffness, pain and impaired functioning of Lumbar spine region due to vitiation of <em>Vata</em> in <em>Katipradesha</em>.&nbsp; This condition is not life threatening but it hampers the daily activity. <em>Kati </em>itself is one of the seats of <em>Vata Dosha</em> and the root cause of disease is aggravated by <em>VataDosha</em>. According to Ayurveda, it involves the <em>Dushti</em> of <em>AsthivahaSrotas</em>. Wrong posture is one of the main cause low back pain. A 50 year male patient presenting with <em>Katishoola</em>, <em>Katigraha, Pristashoola</em>, difficulty in walking reported in our institute. In Ayurveda, wide range of treatment have been mentioned which is effective in such manifestation. This case was treated with <em>AnuvasanaBasti, Katibasti</em> along with <em>Shaman Aushadhi</em>. From this study it can be concluded that <em>Katigraha </em>can be successfully treated with <em>Ayurvedic</em> treatment.</p> Pallavi Kutaphale Tarapure Shruti Ramesh Copyright (c) 2024 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-10-21 2024-10-21 12 4