Role of tridosha in aaharpachana: a literary review
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Aahara,doshas, aaharpachana, Ayurveda

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Bansode, R., & Jadhwar, G. (2019). Role of tridosha in aaharpachana: a literary review. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 7(02). Retrieved from


Ayurveda is the traditional ancient Indian system of health science.its name literally means, “life knowledge†the Ayurvedic method of holistic healthcare emphasizes balancing the body mind and spirit to treat and prevent disease. In present era diet and lifestyle are major factors thought to influence susceptibility to many diseases.ayurveda stated that aahara believes that healthy nutrition nourishes the mind, body and soul.digestion is the process by which the food you ingest is broken down into a simpler and absorbable from according to Ayurveda. Agni as well as tridosha play’s an important role in digestion and it’s responsible for good health of an individual without proper digestion person’s can affect many disorders such as sharir as well as this paper we have to know about how doshas can play role in aaharpachana.

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2. Charaak samhita, brhamanand Tripathi, vol – 1, sootrasthana 27/348, no – 544, edition 2006. Chowkhamba Prakashan Varanasi.
3. Sushruta samhita,dr anantram Sharma,Nidansthan, Shloka no – 1/11,page no 458, edition- 2006.chowkhamba Prakashan Varanasi.
4. Charaak samhita, brhamanand Tripathi,vol -2, chikitsasthan 28/6, Page no -932, edition 2006, chowkhamba Prakashan Varanasi.
5. Sushruta samhita,dr anantram Sharma, sootrasthana 21/10, page no 180, edition 2006, chowkhamba Prakashan Varanasi.

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