Comparative study of Srotas w.s.r. to Bruhatrayee
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Keywords: Ayurveda, Srotas, Dosha, Dhatu.

How to Cite

Patil- Dinde, R. (2023). Comparative study of Srotas w.s.r. to Bruhatrayee. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 11(01). Retrieved from


  • Abstract:

     Ayurveda is a branch of science which deals with maintaining health and treating the diseased condition of the body.  Ayurveda has so many unique concepts, which are nowhere seen. Srotas is one of the unique concept mentioned in all the three basic Ayurveda treatises namely Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and Ashtang Sangraha. Knowledge of srotas is very important for the physician to perform his duty of treating the illness. If sorts are well functioning in body, health status is maintained.  If srotas is impaired, it will result into formation of disease. So study of srotas is very useful for understanding anatomy,  physiology,  pathology and general medicine also. Factors responsible for vitiation of dosha and dhatu is also causative factor of Srotodushti having symptoms like excessive secretion, obstruction to flow, diversion of flow and appearance of nodules etc. So present study is an attempt to study srotas with special reference to Bruhatrayee.

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