An ayurveda review of Garbha Sharir

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The term Garbha includes zygote, embryo, or fetus. Garbha is the outcome of the Garbhashaya's internal merger of Shukra and Shonita. Garbha is the Garbhashayaacts, which serve as Garbha's implantation and growing kshetra. During the gestational period, the mother's Aahar Rasa gives Garbha sustenance and aids in its growth.Garbhiniparicharya, Panchamahabhuta, etc. also significantly influence the growth and creation of Garbha. The process of a fetus developing from its cells to a mature form is known as garbahavakranti. The process of fertilization and development of the Garbha is revealed, beginning with the fusing of the parental units and continuing through its growth and eventual delivery. Link between sixteen and eight Prakriti Vikaras also significantly impacts the Garbha's growth.


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NAYAK, R. (2024). An ayurveda review of Garbha Sharir. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 12(03). Retrieved from
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