Amalaki as a Rasayan in Geriatric Diseases
APPA Conference


:- Geriatrics, Jara, Ageing, Rasayan, Amalaki.

How to Cite

Vishwakarma, N. (2018). Amalaki as a Rasayan in Geriatric Diseases. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 6(06). Retrieved from


Geriatric problems are arising much and more in the present Era. With the increase in average life-span due to medical facilities it resulted in large number of people with old age Worldwide. To overcome this Ayurved advocates healthy ageing through Rasayan Chikitsa. By proper administration of Rasayan Therapy as a preventive tool one can prevent Jarajanit(Geriatic) vyadhis. Many herbs and techniques which provide solution to ageing and their complications are described in Ayurved. The Herbs with their properties slows down the natural process of aging and help in managing geriatric problem and improving the quality of life. Here   Amalaki an Rasayan Dravya in Geriatric diseases is brought in focus.


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