Study the karshya chikitsa siddhant according to brihatrayee with special reference to ashwagandha choorna.
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SAWAI, R. V., & PATHAK, R. G. (2019). Study the karshya chikitsa siddhant according to brihatrayee with special reference to ashwagandha choorna. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 7(4). Retrieved from


Karshya is the widest spreading health and nutritional problem in developing countries. Underweight or emaciation or protein energy malnutrition is a possible condition which may be correlated with Karshya. The present study was undertaken to find out the effect of Ashvagandha choorna with mahish dugdha in the management of Karshya. 100 patients were studied and randomly divided into two groups namely Group-A and Group-B. Group-A received Ashwagandhachoorna with mahish dugdha and Group-B received mahish dugdha. Effect of drug observed at the end of   days In Group A All 50 Subjects have shown Marked response.In group-B 49 Subjects have shown Marked response.01 patient has shown Moderate response. It is concluded that Ashwagandhachoorna along with mahish dugdha is useful for the management of Karshya when compared to mahish dugdha.

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