Management of varicose ulcer using dressing with unprocessed Haridra, Ghruta,Madhu-a case study.
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Keywords-Varicose vein, Varicose Ulcer, Dressing with Unprocessed Haridra,Ghruta, Madhu, Single case study.

How to Cite

Bhave Shital Shashikant *1, Sonambekar Vinay2, Dixit Pankaj3, & Pathak Santosh4. (2020). Management of varicose ulcer using dressing with unprocessed Haridra, Ghruta,Madhu-a case study. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 8(03). Retrieved from


Varicose ulcer are the wound caused due to improper functioning of venous valve. Venous ulcer develop mostly along the medial distal leg can be painful,can bleed & get infected with negative effect on quality of life .When valve gets damaged,it prevents the backflow of the blood, increases local venous pressure &which turns into venous ulcer. After conservative & surgical treatment ,recurrence of venous ulcer is common ranging about 54-78% by the 5th year after wound healing. In Ayurveda varicose vein correlated with Sirajanyadushtyavrana.Acharya Sushruta more scientifically described wound & its management with help of these specific Ayurvedic adjuvant therapies this kind of ulcer may be treated. A 45 yrs male patient diagnosed with varicose ulcer daily dressing done with Unprocessed Haridra,Ghruta& Madhu for 5weeks.The symptom like Pain, Ankle flare, Discharge, Hyperpigmentation,Size of ulcer & Granulation tissue were assessed. Trial showed that unprocessed Haridra,Ghruta,Madhu is effective in the management varicose ulcer. Hence this study conclude Ancient Management is safe, easily available , devoid Complication & Hence better Acceptability.

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