A study in localizing site for Agnikarma in Gridhrasi.
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Gridhrasi, Agnikarma, Sciatica

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Dwivedi, P. (2020). A study in localizing site for Agnikarma in Gridhrasi. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 8(03). Retrieved from https://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/606


With the changing lifestyle of modern human being has created several disharmonies, advancement of such conditions, undue pressure to spinal cord thus producing low backache and sciatica ~ gridhrasi, In modern medicine for the management of Gridhrasi. Remains to be NSAIDS, Local anesthetic agents or surgical interventions i.e. hemi laminectomy and removal of protrusion, all these having their own limitation and produces a lot of complication viz. G.I. ulceration and bleeding. In Ayurvedic literature such as Ashtang hrudya, Charak Samhita, it is clearly defined that Agnikarma is one of the important and irreversible treatment in gridhrasi vyadhi, when another modality such as snehan, swedan etc fails. Though Agnikarma is one of the important procedures in grudhrasi but the exact site is not defined by any Ayurveda literature clearly. So, the present study is carried out to demark/ localize the site of Agnikarma in gridhrasi. Aim: To establish exact location for Agnikarma in Gridhrasi vyadhi. & To note any undesired effect of Agnikarma during trial. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted on twenty patients who had reported for the treatment of Gridhrasi at an Ayurvedic hospital. Agnikarma was done on medial and lateral aspects between gulpha and kandhra as mentioned in Samita, patients were divided into 2 groups, group A and B each consisting of 10 patients. Group A & B- Medial & lateral aspect between gulpha and kandhra respectively, Study type – open random study in four settings (0, 7th, 14th and 21st day). The sign and symptoms, namely Ruka, Stambha were given scores depending on their severity. The patients were also assessed for straight leg raise (SLR) test, follow up was done at an interval of 7 days for three times and the scores were noted down before and after treatment & were Statistically analysed. Result: Marked reduction in severity of mean scores of Ruja, Toda, Stambha was seen in the patients of Group A which was statistically significant. Conclusions: Agnikarma is the simple and effective treatment and Agnikarma on medial aspect gave better relief in patients thus reducing Ruka, Stambha in Gridhrasi.

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