A review article on Jalaukavacharan in the management of Dushta Vrana
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Method of removing blood from the body using jalauka (leech) is considered as the most easy and convenient method. Blood vitiated by vata, pitta and kapha should be removed from the body, by using sringa, jalauka and alabu respectively. Jalauka is ideal to remove blood vititated by pitta. The medicinal leech, Hirudo medicinalis, is one of the few examples of the use of invertebrates in the treatment of human disease. Leech therapy also known as Hirudotherapy (mentioned as Jalaukavacharan in Ayurveda) played an important role because it was used for medicinal "blood-letting" and "purification".
“The destruction / break / rupture / discontinuity of body tissue / part of body, is called Vrana.” The healing of wound or an ulcer is the natural response of the body. Naturally wound will heal in one week if no doshic invasion or infection takes place. The vrana more than a week called dushta vrana which fail to heal for a long period and result into chronic wound (dheergha kalanubandhi dushta vrana), such vrana needs shodhana (Abhyantara) and ropana (Bahya) chikitsa. Virechana and Jatyadi ghruta application as well as jalaukavacharan (leech therapy) are the best line of management for vata-pitta pradushtaja dushta vrana.
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