Trividha Pariksha and its importance: A Review Article
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Ayurveda also takes into account pathogenic factors, season, and a patient's entire course of action (diet, drug, and regimen compatible with the constitution) for the expression of the disease. Ayurveda, the physician's approach of clinical examination (disease diagnosis and patient diagnosis) is used to determine the root cause of the disease and to determine the treatment of the disease. The comprehensive examination is a source of fundamental and personalized knowledge about the patient that strengthens the clinician - patient relationship. Most people seeking your care have specific worries or symptoms. The comprehensive examination provides a more complete basis for assessing these concerns and answering patient questions. Darshan or direct observation is the first diagnostic technique of the three fold rogi pareeksha methods. Factors those are elicited by Chakshurindriya (eyes) are comes in this category. It begins with the initial greeting and continues through the entire data collection process. Observation or inspection of the patient is done through the patient’s general appearance, Eyes, Skin, Scalp hair, body hair, Teeth, Walking, Complexion etc. Inspection begins through active observation. Physician must note the facial expressions of patients even during interrogating the patient.
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