A Clinical Study of Rakt Arsha Managed with Ayurvedic Treatment w. s. r. to 1st degree internal Haemorrhoid.
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In the present era Arsha has become most common and distressing disease due to Sedentary life style and irregular habits. RaktArshas is one of the bheda of Ardra Arshas. Per rectal bleeding is the chief complaint in 1st degree internal haemorrhoid. Bleeding through Haemorrhoids can leads to Anaemia which ultimately leads to serious complications. Stoppage of bleeding is primary goal in the RaktArsha. In bleeding Tikta Rasatmaka Dravyas are given to the patients for Agnisandeepan, haemostasis & Pachna of Doshas. So, in the present study single patient study taken. The result of the study was assessed on the basis of clinical improvement.
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