The Effect of Mahish Mutra Ghanvati in Udar-jatodakawastha- A Case Study
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Udar, Mahishmutra, Jatodakawastha, srotorodhanashanam.

How to Cite

AGHAV, S. (2021). The Effect of Mahish Mutra Ghanvati in Udar-jatodakawastha- A Case Study. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 9(02). Retrieved from


Ayurveda emphasizes that all the diseases are the result of weak state of Agni. Improper functioning of Agni leads to various metabolic disorders. Ascites describes the condition of pathologic fluid collection within the abdominal cavity .According to Ayurveda Udar-Jatodakawastha can be corelated with ascites as the sign and symptoms are same. Mandagni,Ajirna and malavrudhi are the reasons behind udar-jatodakawastha. In this article a case study of Udar-Jatodakawastha in which Mahishmutra Ghanvati has been given over a period of 14 days resulted in the reduction of the abdominal girth, decreases in weight without any treatment emergent adverse effect and reduction of all symptoms. Mahishmutra Ghanvati causes deepan, pachan, srotorodhanashnam and virechan(Malavishodhana).

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