Scientific Review of Tribhuvan Keerti Ras a potent Ayurvedic Herbomineral Combination against viral infection.
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tribhuvan keerti, Sannipataj jwar, viral fever

How to Cite

Rajput, S. K., Irole, S., & Nandekar, S. (2021). Scientific Review of Tribhuvan Keerti Ras a potent Ayurvedic Herbomineral Combination against viral infection. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 9(02). Retrieved from


Ayurved is main branch of science, the main aim of Ayurvedic medicine is to cure disease from its root cause and maintain healthy lifestyle. Tribhuvan Keerti ras is compound drug used in a Sannipataj Jwar, Viral fever .Content of Tribhuvan Keerti ras having properties such as expectorants, antiviral, reducing infection of upper respiratory tract. In Ayurveda tribhuvan keerti is most useful medicine which has reference in over classical text books. The content of Tribhuvan keerti medicine has been explained in literature of our classical text as well as in Pharmacopeia .Tribhuvan keerti has antiviral activity so we can use tribhuvan keerti as a antiviral drug.

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