Concept of Granthi with reference to uterine fibroid: An Ayurveda review
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uterine fibroid, leiomyoma, menorrhagia, granthi

How to Cite

Umate, J., & Chaudhari , S. (2021). Concept of Granthi with reference to uterine fibroid: An Ayurveda review. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 9(02). Retrieved from


Uterine fibroids are the commonest benign tumor of the uterus and also the commonest benign solid tumor in the female. It can cause significant morbidity in women of a reproductive life span. The exact cause of uterine fibroid is unknown. Prevalence of uterine fibroid 5 -20 % of women in the reproductive age group. It can cause significant morbidity in women of a reproductive life span. Not all fibroids cause symptoms. 50% of women are asymptomatic. Fibroids mainly cause symptoms like menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea and cause pressure symptoms on adjacent viscera i. e. bladder, uterus, rectum which affects the everyday activities of women. In Ayurveda all gynecological disease explained under the term yonivyapad. It can be explained as the anatomical and functional abnormalities of the female reproductive system. In Ayurveda granthi can be correlated with the uterine fibroid. In modern science uterine fibroid treats medically, surgically. But it is challenging to establish a satisfactory conservatory medical treatment to date. so in Ayurveda the main purpose is the management of granthi by samprapti vighatan by use of medicine.

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