Internal and external treatment for Kushtha mentioned in Bhihattraye-A Review.
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Shodhana, Shamana, Bahiparimarjana

How to Cite

DESHMUKH, P., Madhumati, N., & Kachare, P. P. (2021). Internal and external treatment for Kushtha mentioned in Bhihattraye-A Review. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 9(02). Retrieved from


kusththa disease is hard and chronic to treat so that kushtha considered as dushchikitsya.kushtha is tridoshatmak hence all types of treatment Shodhana,  Shamana and Bahiparimarjana are useful in kushtha.The frequent Shodhana is necessary in kushtha.Acharya Sushruta in chikitsa 9/43 and Acharya Vagbhata in chikitsa 19/96 said Vamana once in fifteen days,  Virechana once in month,  Stravana once in six month and Nasya once in 3 days. According Brihattrayee after Shodhana treatment,  Shamana and  Bahiparimarjana treatment are useful in kushtha.Acharyas described abundant drugs used in kushtha chikitsa as Shodhana,  Shamana and Bahiparimarjana. In the present study the drug regimen used for Shodhana,  Shamana and Bahiparimarjana in kushtha and it's mode of actions in order to conduct sampraptibhnag is studied.

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