Importance of aahar parinamkar bhava
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Ahara, Agni, Ushma, Vayu, Kleda ,Pachana, Aaharaparinamakara bhava, parinaman.

How to Cite

Jadhav, N., puradkar, G., & Kambli, A. (2021). Importance of aahar parinamkar bhava. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 9(04). Retrieved from


Ayurveda has always given utmost importance to aahara. Aahara is the best of all medicines and is considered one among three sub pillars of Ayurveda . Aahara is very important to sustain life and maintaining normal physiological functioning of human body. Aahara provides longevity, complexion, strength, nourishment and immunity.

 Aaharparinamkar bhavas in the body helps in digestion of food, transformation of digested food into entities of body for its assimilation. Ingested panchbhautik food is bio-transformed into the body tissues. If food bears qualities facilitating the body entities, it is able to nourish and replenish them. So Charakacharya have explained the aahara parinamakara bhavas; which are the various factors that transform food from complex form to a digestible and absorbable form. Thus aahar parinamkar bhavas are the factors converting panchbhautik aahar into body entity.

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