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National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science

National Journal Of Research in Ayurved Science

Review on management of Sthoulya with special reference to obesity

Kalpesh R. Indore1 ,  Neena Damle 2

PG Scholar (Kaychikitsa) 1,

Assistant Professor

Dept of Kaychikitsa D.Y.Patil School of Ayurved and Research Institute, Nerul, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra.

*Corresponding Author: email-id: Mob. no.7666214433


Obesity is an abnormal accumulation of body fat, usually 20% or more over an individual’s ideal body weight. Ayurveda Obesity is described as ‘Medoroga’ or ‘Sthaulya Roga’. Continuous indulgence in high-fat food, fried items, etc., along with a sedentary lifestyle leads to excess accumulation of body fat which gets deposited in the numerous body channels.  Appropriate Ayurvedic internal medicines along with Shodhan procedures are used to achieve the best results, without any side effects. Vaman,Virechan, Basti,Udvartan according to vitiation of Dosha these shodhan procedures gives effective results. Pathya Apathya(Diet management) & Life style modifications play an important role in the management of Obesity. This article gives a Review of on management of sthoulya with special reference to obesity.


Sthoulya,Obesity,Ayurvedic management, Vaman, Virechan, Basti, Udvartan, Pathya-Apathya


  • The absence of physical activity, sleeping during the day, ingestion of more quantity food which is fatty and sweet cause’s obesity.
  • It has become a major challenge and needs for the health authorities across the globe to create awareness for the control of obesity. Obesity may become the reason for various other diseases such as thyroid problems. Obesity is the result of an imbalance of physical, mental and emotional energies.
  • Sthoulya is santarpanottha vikara, though commonly referred as meda-mansa pradosaja vikara, so basic line of treatment must lead to laghuta of body. Vata, kapha, meda and agni being the basic pathogenic entities for the manifestation of sthoulya.
  • Panchakarma therapy of Ayurveda is the best treatment in many chronic diseases and also for sthoulya.
  • Panchakarma presents a unique approach of ayurveda with specially designed five procedures.


Review on Management of Sthaulya with special reference to Obesity.


1. To give a description of Sthaulya with special reference to Obesity.

2. To explain the role of Shodhan procedures in Sthoulya as per Ayurvedic texts.

3. To mention the importance of Pathya-Apathya in the management of Sthoulya.


In Ayurveda, Sthula purusha as one of the nindita purusha.Charaka has explained the as sama mamsa, sama pramana, sama samhanana and having Dridha Indriyas sthula person is not having such Regarding this explanation is available in ayurvedic classics.

In Ayurveda, various treatment modalities are available in terms of obesity.


  • Even though there are dozens of treatments modalities to in the management of obesity but using single Pathya (congenial diet) and Apathya plays a major role.
  • Food which have properties of Kapha Medahara (hypolipidemic) e.g. horsegram, green gram, barley and kokum.
  • Combination of these in diet plan may be more helpful in the management of obesity.
  • Langhan chikitsa-If Sthaulya caused due to Adhyashan,Atyaanshan then langhan, laghu aahar, alpa-aahar should be taken.

  • VIHAR: Obesity as a result of lifestyle. Lack of exercise, No physical movement, driving cars, and other vehicles, sitting and watching TV, movies, working on computers, Consuming cold food from the fridge all the time. Do not sleep for more than 6 to 7 hours.

  • YOGA: Yog asanas or yoga poses like Paschimotannasana, Saral Hasta Bhujangasana, Sarwangasana, Halasana, Dhanurasana, Veerasana, Trikonasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana, etc.Along with Yogasanas Sun salutation is very effective for obesity reduction, also Pranayama, cleansing processes like agnisar, uddiyan bandha etc helps           


              वमनं तु सर्वोपक्रमेभ्यः श्लेष्मणि प्रधानतमं मन्यन्ते भिषजःII Ch.Su.20/19

  • Vaman Karma is specifically indicated to cure Kapha related diseases and disorders like obesity.
  • In Ayurveda, Sthoulya comes under Santarpanajanya, Medo-Pradoshaja and Kapha Pradhana Vyadhi where Apatarpana is the line of treatment.


  • Virechana is beneficial for Sthaulya w.s.r. to overweight.
  • Virechana is one of the shodhana procedures, which expels morbid doshas and helps to maintain health of an individual,
  •  Virechana helps to initiate the weight loss mechanism in the body. Virechana being an appropriate Shodhan procedure is not only specific for the elimination of vitiated Pitta Dosha but also helps in the elimination of vitiated Kapha and Vata where it is also indicated in Sthoulya.
  • Virechana helps to check the future complications in the healthy obese as well as in the obese.


तत्र स्नेहादीनां कर्मणां बस्तिकर्म प्रधानतममाहुराचार्याः |

'कस्मात्?  अनेककर्मकरत्वाद्बस्तेः; इह खलु बस्तिर्नानाविधद्रव्यसंयोगाद्दोषाणां 

संशोधनसंशमनसङ्ग्रहणानि करोति, क्षीणशुक्रंवाजीकरोति, कृशं बृंहयति, 

स्थूलं कर्शयति, चक्षुः प्रीणयति, वलीपलितमपहन्ति, वयः स्थापयति ||३|| 
शरीरोपचयं वर्णं बलमारोग्यमायुषः | 
कुरुते परिवृद्धिं च बस्तिः सम्यगुपासितः ||४|| 


  • Basti Karma is considered as Chikitsa aardha among all therapy. Basti has a vast field of therapeutic action. It is believed to detoxify the body. Basti nourishes the body from tip of hairs to nail of toe.
  • Lekhan basti, the name is self explanatory hence lekhan property reduces med and simultaneously pacifies Vata dosha by affecting its main seat i.e Pakvashaya.
  • Due to Laghu, Ushna and Tikshna properties of Basti Dravya, obstruction of channels may be broken down thus the morbid material from all over the body will expelled out breaking the pathogenesis of obesity.


उद्वर्तनं वातहरं कफमेदोविलापनम् ||५१|| 
स्थिरीकरणमङ्गानां त्वक्प्रसादकरं परम् |५२|   Su.Chi.24/51-52

  • Rookshana is one such treatment modality which is indicated in Abhishyandi Roga and in diseases involving major Marma and Doshas.
  • Udvartana is the procedure of massaging the powder of herbs in direction opposite to the orientation of hair on body.
  •  This process is explained in ancient text of Ayurveda like Asthang Hridyam by Vagbhatacharya,Sushrut Samhita,Charak Samhita by Charakacharya.
  • Dry powder of herbs is used hence it is known as Ruksha Udvartana.Udvartana opens the circulatory channels, facilitates the metabolic activity and improves the complexion of skin. Daurgandhyam Hanti- eliminates the bad body odour due to excessive sweating. Twakprasadakara- promotes the excellence of skin.


  • According to Acharya Charaka administration of guru and apatarpaka dravyas, which possess the additional properties of Vataghna, Kaphahara and Medonashaka, are considered as an ideal for Sanshaman therapy.
  • Formulations useful in Sthaulya are Dashang Gugul,  Arogyavardhini.Chandraprabha,  Amrutadi guggul etc.
  • Vidang,Sunthi,Yavakshar,Yav,Aamalki in churna form should be prescribed with honey.


  • Overweight and obesity can be compared with sthaulya. Which is one of the Santarpanottha vyadhi and line of treatment for it is apatarpana and langhana, which can be done by shodhana and shamana.
  • Hence an effort has to be made to set an Ayurvedic standard diet plan in the management of obesity.


  • It is important to avoid aggravating factors like stress and include compatible diet and exercises in addition to the drugs.
  • Ayurveda uses various dosage forms and treatment modalities in different disease conditions like Shodhan and Shaman therapies etc. with suitable dietary and lifestyle modifications, which have been found very effective in controlling obesity.


  1. Vaidya Jadavaji  Trikamji Acharya, 1981, The Charakasamhita of Agnivesha, with Ayurveda Dipika commentary, New Delhi, Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
  2. Vaidya Yadavaji Trikamji Acharya, 1997, Susrutsamhita of Susruta, with the Nibandhasangraha commentary, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Orientalia publication.
  3. Pandit hari Sadashiv Shastri, 2010, Ashtangahridya of Shrimadvagbhatta, with Sarvangasundari and Ayurvedarasayana commentary, Varanasi, Cahukhanba surbharti prakashana.
  4. Acharya Thakkar V. J., Ashtangasangraha, with Indu commentary, New Delhi, Kendriya Ayurveda & Siddha anusandhana parishada.
  5. Shri Yadunandanopadhyaya, 2008, Madhava Nidana of Sri Madhavakara, with Madhukosha commentary, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Prakashana.
  6. Vd. Kasture H.S., 1999, Ayurveda Panchakarma Vigyana, New Delhi, Baidyanath Ayurveda Bhavana.
  7. Prof. Singh R.H., Panchakarma Therapy, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Sanskrita Sansthana.