Investigating the Effectiveness of Tanduliyaka in Managing Lifestyle Disorders from an Ayurvedic Perspective

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Global health concerns include lifestyle illnesses like obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. In addition to herbal remedy like Tanduliyaka (Amaranthus spinosus), which is rich in nutrients and has been traditionally utilized for its hematinic, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic characteristics, Ayurveda offers comprehensive approaches through dosha balance (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha). Tanduliyaka's ability to treat anemia and provide antioxidant benefits has been confirmed by recent research. Randomised Control Trial (RCT) with standardized procedures are necessary to investigate the drug's effectiveness in treating these conditions. It takes cooperation between the Ayurvedic and biomedical domains to integrate Ayurvedic practices into research because of standardization and regulatory issues. Not withstanding these challenges, Tanduliyaka holds potential as an adjunctive therapy to traditional therapies. In order to improve evidence-based practice and therapeutic alternatives, more study is needed.     



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JOY PEREIRA. (2024). Investigating the Effectiveness of Tanduliyaka in Managing Lifestyle Disorders from an Ayurvedic Perspective. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 12(03). Retrieved from
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