The role of dincharya for the healthy life.
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Nowadays, a sedentary lifestyle, faulty dietary habits, lack of exercise are the main cause for metabolic imbalances which leads the group of diseases like Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus, obesity etc. and making them one of the leading cause of death.
Ayurvedic texts explains various fundamental principles aimed at preventing occurrences of diseases and to promote a healthy life, for these prevention aspects Dincharya is used to the adoptive daily routine by people which can improve the quality of life and maintenance of good health. Dincharya; Din means daily and charya mean activity or regimen is necessary for maintaining a healthy body, mind, spirit which is useful to establish the balanced constitution, aid in digestion and absorption, leads to peace, happiness.
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2. Dr. Ganesh Krushna Garde, Sarthvighbhatta , Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan, page 07.