Advanced techniques of conservation and cultivation

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Dhananjay Kulkarni
Dr.Renuka Shahaji Pawar
Ruchita Raghunath Kudale


Since ancient times, various plants are being traditionally used, as medicine throughout the world. These plants are cultivated as well as collected from wild. Some important medicinal plants, which have source of wild, are difficult for collection. The best way to provide the plants needed for medicinal purposes is to cultivated rather than collecting them from wild. Now a days, some medicinal species are in risk of disappearing due to man-made and natural calamities. So there is need of conservation of medicinal plants to  maintain  sustainable development  by  protecting  and  using  biological resources  in  ways  that  do  not  diminish  the  world’s variety  of  genes , species, habitats  and  ecosystems. Medicinal plants can be cultivated by cutting, layering, grafting and budding and conservation mainly included activities like collection, propagation, characterization, evaluation and eradication,  storage  and  division. On the other hand, some modern techniques have been also established for the better growth and maintenance of medicinal plants such as In-Situ & Ex-Situ conservation, Germplasm technique, cryopreserpation technique, tissue culture technique. This review gives information about various cultivation methods to reduces misidentification and adulteration of medicinal herbs and also shows importance of modern techniques of conservation, management and sustainable utilization of medicinal plants for human health care. This information will definitely useful for quality of herbal medicinal products and reduced uncertain therapeutic effects.


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How to Cite
Kulkarni, D., Pawar, D. S., & Kudale, R. R. (2018). Advanced techniques of conservation and cultivation. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 6(5th). Retrieved from
Review Articles
Author Biography

Dhananjay Kulkarni

Professor and Head of Dept., Dravyaguna Dept., Government Ayurvedic College, Osmanabad, Maharashtra