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Ayurveda is a "science of life". the word is derived from Ayur---life, and Veda means science. It is a syteme in which combination of body,soul & mind is taught. One of the Ayurved branch is Ras-shastra in which Parad (mercury), minerals & metallic compounds are explained.
Parpati kalpana is different from other doses because of its dose mode, size,shape & process of manufacturing & also because of broad spectrum of action. Simply by melting the material over mild heat and sandwich to make wafers has brought about this remarkable change.
This parpati kaplpana is given in typical dose & administration form as in increasinig pattern. It is then kept on the dose where optimal level of does is reached. It is not suddenly stopped. The dose is taper off slowly after desirable effect.
The parpati kalpana thus has more advantages than other form. The advantages are -- less toxicity, good theraeutic value, high potency, cheaper than other form & cost effective. To use parpati kalp, one need to follow Pathya- Apathya. To make Parpati Kalpana Ghritya, Gomaya & Mrudu agni are required.
The Parpati is used in all disorders from child age till old age. For eg- Unmad, Apsmar, SanGrahini, Udershool, Pandu Rog, Vat-Jwar, Kushtha. It is also used in Daha, Aamvat, Amlapitt, Vridhha dosh etc.
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