Review of Annaprashan Samskara and Complementary Feeding in Infant.
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weaning, annaprashana, kaumarbhritya, nutrition.

How to Cite

Nagre, M. (2021). Review of Annaprashan Samskara and Complementary Feeding in Infant. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 9(04). Retrieved from


Weaning plays a major role in determining the nutritional status of a child. Poor weaning practices during infancy and early childhood results in malnutrition with impairment of cognitive and social development, poor school performance and reduced productivity in later life. The objective of this study is to know weaning practices of mothers of different terrain. Breast milk provides all of the nutrients, vitamins and minerals an infant  needs  for  growth  in  the  first  six  months; so  no  other  liquids  or  foods  are  needed. However,  from  the  age  of  six  months,  breast  milk  is  no longer  sufficient  by  itself. Nutrition remains their main concern. What to give? What is ideal period? What is ideal sequence of fruits and food article etc. Focusing on above described area, attempts are made to investigate beneficiary effect of anaaprashan sasmkara and complimentary feeding in infant.


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