A Retrospective Study of Purishwaha Strotas Dushti in Covid Cases
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Purishwahastrotas, Purishwahastrotas Dushti , Covid-19 Cases presenting with GI symptoms.

How to Cite

Dr. Pranita P. Chougule. (2021). A Retrospective Study of Purishwaha Strotas Dushti in Covid Cases. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 9(04). Retrieved from https://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/902


Ayurveda provides several approaches to the diagnosis of diseases, which should be explained in the contemporary context. Srotas is one of the Ayurvedic terminologies and is a basic element of Ayurveda, as the whole body is made up of millions of Strotas. Strotas is defined as the passage through which various dhatus that are undergoing the process of metabolic transformation are transported. The different constituents of body are grouped in three basic ayurvedic principle categories Dosha, Dhatu and Mala. Normal functioning of these Dosha, Dhatu and Mala maintain homeostasis in  living body. Its disturbance causes disease.Most of the Covid-19 cases were presented with gastrointestinal symptoms which can be correlated with ayurvedic context of Purishvaha strotas dushti lakshanas . Thus in this article attempt is been made to understand the Purishwaha Strotas dushti in Covid Cases.

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