Role of Pratimarshya Nasya in Vataj Pratishyay: A case study
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Pratishyay, Allergic Rhinitis, Katu Tail, Pratimarshya Nasya.

How to Cite

Bachhav, K. (2021). Role of Pratimarshya Nasya in Vataj Pratishyay: A case study. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 9(04). Retrieved from


Vataj Pratishyay is one of the commonest disease seen in people around the world. 20 to 30% of Indians suffer from this disease. It correlates to allergic Rhinitis in modern medical science. Conventional therapies have their own limitations on treatment of the allergic rhinitis. Here a case study is presented that states the effect of Katu tail Praimarshya Nasya in Vataj Pratishyay. Along with Katu tail Pratimarshya Nasya diet (Pathyakar Ahar and Vihar) was also suggested to the patient during the treatment. After the 30 days follow up, we can observe that, Katu tail Pratimarshya Nasya is effective on all the symptoms of Vataj Pratishyay. It did not show any kind of side effect during the course of treatment of 30 days. So it can be effectively implemented on society level to cure Vataj Pratishyaya(Allergic Rhinitis).

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