“Garbha Sanskarː Mental and intellectual development of unborn child.”
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Ayurveda, conception, Garbha, Sanskar, pregnancy, healthy progeny.

How to Cite

Dolhare, P., & Vijaykumar Nawale. (2021). “Garbha Sanskarː Mental and intellectual development of unborn child.”. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 9(04). Retrieved from https://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/934


Garbha Sanskar’ for building the physical and mental character for a child during pregnancy through an ancient truth, it appears to have been forgotten. all parents want an intelligent, healthy and cultured child. Garbha Sanskar is a scientific fact as mentioned in Ayurveda to get the ‘Shreyasipraja’. Sanskar is the process of increasing the potential. Garbha sanskar includes preconceptual care, care during pregnancy, and post-delivery  [Bal Sanskar]. In today's fast paced life, it is the need of every expectant mother for trouble-free and disease-free pregnancy. the activity of expectant mother during pregnancy in the form of taking Ayurveda regimen diet, chanting, baby talk, expressing feeling  [touch], meditation etc. Garbh Sanskar is building the physical, the mental and social character of the child during pregnancy means Garba Sansar is for Desired and designer baby. that's why it is today's need of every expectant mother for healthy progeny to build a better Nation.

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